Monday, May 15, 2017

May 15, 2017 - in Ontario

The day started with a call from Boilermaker.  He is the quarter master.  If you can see all the item on the bed, the chart,the table... it is all the hats and banners that will go on all the bikes of the volunteers I listed in the prior post. Each team has a different color.  Leadership will be  burgundy this year.

Here is how they are on the motorcycles.  We also get sleeve.  You will see this in future posts.

Next is the finance meeting with all 3 routes.  Ken is treasure for RFTW.  So he needs to make sure all routes manage their money, keep it separated, and turn in details at the end of the run.

Route coordinator (RC) and Assistant route coordinator (ARC) need to be in this meeting also.
Here are Central route ARC - Whitebirch and RC - Winky.

After the meeting, we walked around a little.  Here are the merchandise trailer that follow us:

There are always lots of bikes to look at. Harleys, Honda, BMWs..... Also lots of colors.  There were a few that caught eye today.  Please double click and take a look at these. 

"Some gave all, Some still are."

 "The constitution TELLS you your rights, the Military GUARANTEES those rights"

 "Freedom is Never Free"
Look at the pic on the top, then zoom in on the right. It is the Vietnam Wall.

This is a list of all the wars.

 There were more on  the bikes but cannot get the all.  The detail was unbelievable and gorgeous!!!

The rest of today was kind of  a disappointment.  We planned on heading to Santa Monica Pier after our finance meeting.  0% rain in the forecast all day.  Pretty funny.... we got rain for about 4 hours.  And it was even 10 degrees colder than Cincinnati.

All good though.  Larry and I reconnected with so great people we had met the last 2 years on the Run.  Here is Willie and Gomez.  Willie was not able to make it last year because of chemo treatment. Gomez was in an accident on the way to Ontario last year.  Had surgery on leg.  BUT these guys are fighters and both so glad to be back this year!!!  They are so exited to be able to support this cause.

Papa Smurf was the RC last year.  This year he will be the mentor to the ARC.  so he will be in the 6 pack with us.  Great guy and one of the Vietnam vets. The RC and ARC work very hard all year to make sure all the logistics of the Run are done.  This is a big job.   So 2 years ago as ARC, last year as RC, this year mentor. His comment was, "I get to relax and enjoy it this year.  Doing nothing."  He had a big smile on his face.  Knowing him , he will be helping somewhere for sure. 
Still raining. Look behind us.  UGH


I normally work on the blog in the evening for a few hours then go to bed.   Because of the day, I was about done, and Larry and Ron said take a break and join them for a drink.  When I got there, Larry is talking to Gunny and Patty.  Met her son and daughter-in-law. What great family.  I could sit and listen to the stories for hours. They have traveled this great country for years and met so many people. They are very much in supporting our troops: past and present. We need to keep this awareness going, and keep all our troops in our prayer. 


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