May 25, 2023 - Day 9 – Hurricane, WV to Lewisburg, WV
Today we went to Rainelle to see the kids. This is the school we have raised all the money for over the last 8 days. Last day for the military and platoon challenges, last day for auction....
As we are heading to the dining hall, I see Walrus. I guess he did not get enough sleep last night LOL.
We start the morning off with Pledge of Allegiance and prayer.
Have not checked on Jerry recently. Courtney said he is ready to roll.
Ride of the Kanawha River. Beautiful.
Gold Star Families Memorial Monument.
The West Virginia Veterans Memorial is a two-story oval shaped monument honoring more than 10,000 West Virginians who made the ultimate sacrifice in defending the nation in twentieth century conflicts. Composed of four limestone monoliths surrounded by a reflecting pool, the interior walls are faced in polished black granite etched with the names of these men and women.
The 4 wars are WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam
On the inside are the names of those from WV that died. Incredible.
Still getting some bridges full of people. Since we ride mostly in the mountains today, you will not see bridges, but you will see lots of people.
Gomez as we roll into town.
We roll into town.
Oh my look at the kids!!!!
Gunny has made it. Bev, Ron's wife who is from WV, has also made it.
What a crowd!! Several of the kids' parents were once the students. Several were there to meet the Run For The Wall riders.
Daniel on the right is our Sit Rep writer. If you get a chance, go to RFTW.US under SitReps post. He does an amazing job reporting on the day. He is also a veteran. Here is his quick bio.
Captain Retired, served 22 years. Deployed to Germany twice.
Primary duties:
Cold War-Lance Missile Fire Direction Computer Operator
Desert Storm: Arabic Eygptian Linquist. Voice intercept
GWOT: Field Artillery Officer.
THANKS, Daniel, for your service.
As we walk around the school there are postures of prior year. These kids are living the history of these veterans. What a great education.
After lunch the ceremony begins. The kids sing Star Spangled Banner and say the Pledge. Head held high and very proud.
Pretty Boy and Catfish have an usual present to the school. "Bullet", Don Pierce, was on the original run in 1989 with Gunny. He wrote a letter to the school. Hope you can read this. His jacket and vest will remain at the school as a reminder of those first riders. Rainelle opened up their hearts to all of them.

Gunny talked about Bullet and the first ride up of the mountain to Rainelle. He said he did as Gunny asked to keep the riders safe. Just as the road guards do today.
Here is Gomez. He has a strange request. Every year he misses his granddaughter's birthday because of the Run. He asked that we sing Happy Birthday to her. This little girl's Birthday is also today. How cool is this!!!
Kim is the principal. She is shocked by the amount of money we have delivered. This money is used for laptops, field trips, gym equipment,...etc. There are a few other schools we also donate to.
All the kids have these shirts every year. And they ARE our FUTURE.
Hahaha. Gunny even gets in on signing Ron's shirt.
Gomez thanks him and it is an honor to meet him. It is because of him that we have the freedoms we have today.
We end the day with the kids and her saying THANK YOU!!!! SOOO MUCH !!!! and kids clapping.
As we leave, Audrey comes over to us to see if we can ride to a retirement facility and say "THANKS" to several veterans. We have about 15 people that go.
There is a gentleman there that was a POW for 4 years. There is a bio on him.
Gomez is a big part of the Outreach group for the Run. He will visit gold star families and express condolences for their loss. It takes a special group to do this. Thanks to the outreach group for this.
Gomez asks us to line up. He then plays Echoing Taps on his phone. Totally unprepared for this, as well as others, the tears just flow. All the veterans salute and other place their hands over their hearts. This is why we ride.
One last pic of the day. Beautiful country that we live in isn't it. Our freedom isn't free. Some paid the ultimate price.
Tomorrow is day 10. We are heading into Washington DC. We hope to have no rain heading into DC. Friday afternoon on the Memorial Day weekend, with everyone heading out of town, all the riders will have to be on their “A” game.
Prayer warriors let's get busy please.
Temps: 57-71
Route: I-64E, Rt 60
Miles: 134
Quote: The Price of Freedom is Written on the Wall
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