May 19, 2022 - Day 2 To DC - Williams, AZ to Gallup, NM
OK all you prayer warriors. Last year you were great. So far so good BUT on Saturday they are predicting 4-6 inches of snow out of Limon. UGH!!! So please we need help for safety and maybe no snow!!!! Thanks!!!
If you follow the route via the, you will see we are supposed to go to Eagle Nest, NM. It is a small community of about 300 people that welcome us with open arms. There is also a Vietnam memorial. There is some bad news. The town is being evacuated because of fires. Roads are not safe and it is with great disappointment we will not be going there.
Instead Limon has opened up their arms to support us. They have helped with hotels, food, gas… This is a huge task. Many of the towns we go thru spend weeks preparing for us. Also the RFTW recon teams have had to locate gas stops, hotels, and a new route. Lots of hours in a short time have been spent to keep us safe and on track. Thanks to all !!!!
Williams has fixed breakfast for us and for the first time since I have been on the run it was not 32 degrees.
Here Steven and I had a little fun while others were getting breakfast.
Everyday there is a morning meeting to give everyone updates for the day. And other businesses. The main task is to raise money for a school in Rainelle, WV. This is in a small coal town. They are a poor community that the Run has supported for over 25 years. In order to do this, the Run has morning raffles, 50/50, …. in order to raise it.
Lance is our man of this hour of the day. This is his second year and he is getting to be a pro at getting donations for the school.
One of the items for auction.. BEAUTIFUL!!
We even have challenges between the branches for bragging rights..
Papi is the photographer for the Central Site. He is always taking pics when you least expect it.
Larry was contacted by Loretta from Louisville KY. She has something pretty cool. She has a list of those that served in Vietnam that are MIA. She has created a book with lots of pages and a POW/MIA flag. The request is to have someone from RFTW to get signatures as we go across the country to let the family members know their loved ones have not been forgotten. We have done this for the last several years on the Run and the number of signatures are amazing . Thanks guys for doing this.
Tom Miller is presenting the Mayor of William with a plaque thanking the town for the hospitality we have received. This will be his last year. He told us he was there with the first riders with Gunny came rolling thru.
How do you like that hat !!!???
Since the town is small we stage in the street. Ready to roll.
Look at this. So early in the morning and they are here to wish us well and safe travels.
Here is the front of the pack.
I tried to get a shot from what was behind us. We ride pretty tight.
We have help with the LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) from all the states. Here they are pulling the semis over so we can pass safely. We counted 7 like this on our way to Winslow.
I hope you can see this. I think I talked about platoons earlier. They are groups of 6-20 bikes lead by Platoon Leader, Assistant Platoon Leader, and 2 Tailgunners. We ride like this to manage the bikes and allow cars and trucks to get off at exits when needed. It also helps keep the pack tight and tries to reduce rubber banding. The RC (Route Coordinator) will call back info to the pack for heads up info. example: construction ahead, 5 miles to exit…. So all those with CBs can hear this. No one is supposed to talk except the leads. It is pretty interesting to hear all the talk.
Also check out the trees. They do not last long.
Few miles down the road and it is flat. Amazing the changes in terrain across this country. We are able to do this because of our men and women in the service, past and present.
You just never know what Walrus is going to have at an exit ramp. Here some kind of viking hat and ….?
I caught up with him and he said he does this to get all those coming off the ramp a wake up call to focus on going into gas stops or towns….
Here is the man behind the masks. I asked him to smile and he said he was. LOL
Coming into Winslow AZ, are 2 steel Beams from the World Trade Center
Fun Fact:
"These two steel beams from the World Trade Center, entrusted to the citizens of Winslow by the City of New York, along with this flag that was flown at the Pentagon, stand as the centerpiece of our Remembrance Garden. The words "United We Stand" remind the world that we will not fear terrorism. We hereby dedicate this Garden to Northern Arizona's promise that 'WE WILL NEVER FORGET'"
I have shown a few pics of our road guards on the road. Here are a few of the faces behind them.
They all have to take a special courses to be one. They are all great riders and keep the pack safe.
Not only are they on the road but they set at all intersections showing us which way to go, including in a gas stop. And hold traffic at cross roads so we do not have to stop.
Here are some of the members of our hydration team. They are at every stop with water, gatorade, snacks,...
This is all donated for our riders. Again, no payment for even this, just like our meals.
The Sign says “Little Colorado River”...
Here is the river…wow!!
Heading into Holbrook, I think we pass every school in town. The kids are always here and flags are flying. What a great tradition for this town and the kids to learn about our service men and women.
We pull up to the American Legion for lunch. Great lunch and there are always dances for us from the Navajo kids.
Even the little ones.
SOOO I pulled a really good one at the Winslow gas stop. We left Williams and it was 50 then by the time we got to Winslow it was 80. Time to delayer. Well, I took my RFTW vest off and laid it on the back of our tour pack. Then someone called me and I did not put it back on. 5 minute horn blows and we are getting helmets on…. oh crap… I forgot to put on my vest. Ok this is now gone. Someone behind me said they saw it on the entrance ramp. I sat at lunch, and one of the road guards found it and brought it to me. YEAH!!! Lost and found costs you $5 contribution to the Rainelle kids. It was worth it. Thanks JJ and Top.
Not only does the Run make donations to Rainelle, they also help others. RFTW made a donation to the American Legion Hall. The girls were shocked and almost in tears.
Time for the Star Spangled Banner. This little girl sang one of the best I have ever heard. All stood and at the end the place went crazy with applause.
Heading to Gallup, NM we rode up front next to RC. Normally this is the State Coordinator, but was not able to make it.
Cannot help but show some pics of the beautiful country. I use that word a lot. But so true!!
Gallup is known as the most patriotic small town in America. However the Navajo nation has been hit hard with covid and the crowd was lighter than normal.
The Navajos have been chanting and praying for us several hours prior to our arrival. We have been invited to come in the circle and walk around as they continue to pray for us. For them, everything starts in the east. The east is where the sun starts, this is the beginning of the day. Many of the RFTW riders participate and carry flags. This Is a way to honor their warriors when they come home and America is their home. We are always welcome and they will continue to pray for a safe journey to DC.
You could hear the drums as we pulled in. They are under the tent.

I think Walrus has found a new item for the exit ramps.
Code Talkers. Have you heard of them? They were a big part of the outcome of WWII.
Fun Fact:
The name code talker is strongly associated with bilingual Navajo speakers specially recruited during World War II by the Marines to serve in their standard communications units in the Pacific Theater. The enemy could not break the code.
Great day today!!! And amazing that this RFTW family has so many supporters.
Courtney sent me this pic. I thought this sunset was a great way to end the day.
Temps: 55-80
Route: I-40E
Miles: 224
Quote of the Day:
Home of the free, because of the brave
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