Saturday, May 11, 2024

May 11, 2024 - Day 7 to Ontario

 May 11, 2024 - Day 7 to Ontario

We woke up to 49 degrees, but it was 53 degrees when we left. Last night our daughter got a few good pics of the Aurora Borealis. I thought I would share it for those who may not have seen it.


This morning, we went to the hotel lobby for our free breakfast.  We noticed a machine we did not recognize.  So, I do not get out much, but it seems I was not the only one.  It was a pancake maker.  Push the button and you get 2 small pancakes.  The lady behind us also was curious.  Then a few more.  We all got a good laugh.  The simple pleasure of life.  HAHAHA

On with the day.  We discussed the route we were going today, then I saw the path.  Thought I would share.  Ron brought it up on his phone.  It looks like an amazing ride.

Pretty crazy...

First order of business, check all connections...This one is behind my seat.

Look at all the wires.  I never know how they figure all this out.

As you can tell this is a beautiful day!!!

Do you ever drive and wonder how far away something is.  If you look really close in the middle of the picture, it is the top of a mountain.  I guessed 20 miles, Larry thought longer.

This is about 20 miles in.  So I guess I was wrong.

As we got closer, it looked like there was a spotlight on it.  Pretty cool

Turns out, we were about 35 miles from the mountain.  

I always seem to show all the beautiful landscapes.
  Thought I would share that we do not always have great weather.
We got no rain, but temp definitely dropped.

Sun was trying to peak out.  Pretty neat!

We head into Sedona and the terrain changes.  Flat to hills and lots of trees. 
It was like someone turned a page in a book.

To get there, we take 89A and go thru Coconino National Forest. 
We have done this road before, and it is absolutely awesome.

Lots of 180 degrees turns.  I would do this over the Tail of the Dragon any day.

How would you like to live in this house and wake up to the mountains every day?

As we get closer to Sedona, it gets a little hazy.  There is smell like smoke.  We had heard they were doing some "control burns".
Fun Fact:

Now we get to Sedona.  It is a happening little town.  
Beautiful day with lots of people out and about.
Hiking and ATV rides are the most common. 
Leave here and head to Jerome.  This town is built on the mountain side. If you do much walking here, you will have really strong legs.  

The view is unbelievable.  This pic does not do it justice.

As you head out of town, the view is..... well you get this idea.

We climbed to about 7000 feet on a very windy road.  
Remember the picture from Ron's phone, with lots of turns.
See the brown line, that is the road we will be riding.

This is on our way down.  So cool to ride.

This pic was at the bottom of the mountain.
  Looks like someone painted it.

Cool place for lunch.  Again, great food.  Love the little mom and pop places.

Check this out.  This was inside the restaurant. 
A vending machine for cigarettes, vaping..... Pretty wild.

Out in the middle of nowhere, miles from any town, is Hidden Spring Ranch.  
Fun Fact:
The 222-arcre spread is located at 4,800 feet in elevation, offering a lovely climate for training and boarding year round. A 5/8 mile training track provides the young, as well as rehabilitating athletes, with fitness. A swimming facility is especially useful for horses rehabbing from injury, and there is also an “Equinciser” available.

Check out the fencing.  You can see this for miles.  
How about the cost for that? Not your normal fences.

Lots of horses.

As we head into Congress, there is a road split.  We have taken this road before, but the guys talk about how weird it is to have only one lane riding next to the mountain.  It takes a few minutes to get used to.
Here is how it showed on Ron's phone. Interesting on much technology has helped us.

Ending the day heading into Kingman.  
I love the colors, and the clouds just make the pic.

Hope you enjoyed the ride today. 
I also hope you someday get a chance to see this in person.
Our country is so vast, and spectacular. 

Destination:  Kingman, AZ
Temps: 49-74
Route: I40, US89A, CR15, US96, US89, US71, US93, I40
Miles: 348
From Prescott, AZ

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