Monday, May 27, 2024

May 27, 2024 - Sandbox - St. Clairsville, OH to Lafayette, IN

 May 27, 2024 - Sandbox - St. Clairsville, OH to Lafayette, IN

Today was a long day but a good one. 

We started our meeting with a prayer and had a few of the younger generation to start the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Next, we had "Sireen" sing the Star-Spangled Banner.  It is so cool to hear this every morning.
We load up and head to St. Clairsville City. Such a neat small town.  FYI we will have a police escort all the way thru Ohio.  Sorry road guards.

We get a great welcome so early in the morning.  The band is playing, and we all sing Star Spangled Banner again.  That is ok, I love the patriotism. we should all know the words by now :-)

Look at this building.  The architecture is amazing.
Taps is played by one of the high school students.  Very good.... where are those tissues?

 One of the speakers says the Irish Blessing.  Wow.. I have not heard this in a while, and it really hit home.... pass those tissues again.

She also mentioned Bob Hope.  He visited the service men and women from WWII to the Persian Gulf.  His comment was  "I've never left home".

So true while on the Run.  Everyone is so kind and loving and makes us welcome... just like being at home.

Even Santa joined us.

As we head out Bernadette is writing the direction on the windshield.  Many do this as it is easier than trying to read a piece of paper.  Pretty smart...

OK let's roll.  Love the flag... it looks like it is saying I got your back.

The skies were like this all day.  No rain but lots of clouds.  As long as nothing like Kansas, I am ok.

Yeah, we have a few people on the bridge.  Sandbox is still pretty young that not many know about it like the others routes.  It is only 4 years old but getting there.
Our next gas stop.  Organized chaos, but it works.  They can do 200 bikes in about 15 minutes.  Depends on how many pumps are open.  
They give the road guards whistles.... not sure that is a good idea... but with all the motors running it can get pretty loud.
OR... they can do this to get the attention of the riders.  Either way is effective.
Check out the roads.... no one on them.... Sweet
Great color.  You know me yet???  Got to get the beauty of the great nation out there.
We even got to go on some back roads.  Nice to get off the highway sometimes.
Courtney lives in Chicago and loves her Skyline. But she does not get it there.
 Larry found some down the road from our lunch stop and got some for her.  She was in heaven
Time for a little nap in the shade.

Construction in Indianapolis was crazy.  We all have to file through the left track.  We all made it.  Way to go guys.  By this time the riding skills have improved a ton.
Dinner tonight at the Harley Davidson dealer in Lafayette.  GREAT dinner.  Thanks all.

After dinner there was a Gold Star Mother's Candlelight Vigil.  One of the gold star mothers told of her son.  She said this is a club that no one wants to belong to.  She was presented with a flag. Then everyone was given a candle.  This was a great idea, but the winds had something to say about that.  After prayer, we were all dismissed to get ready for our last day.

A little fun tonight. Someone got Blue some blue false eye lashes.  
With little help from Courtney, Blue looks great.  HAHAHA

Destination: Lafayette, IN
Miles:  359
Temps: 63-72

Quote: I am a veteran. My oath of enlistment has no expiration date.

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