May 24, 2024 - Day 10 to DC - Lewisburg, WV to Washington DC
One of the fun things for the road guards is to wrap the rookie's bikes.
Larry's turn last night. I bet he had fun in the morning with cleaning this one off.
Today started out with lots of rain. Bernadette had her rain gear on a truck, so she improvised.
Nice rain pants. No worries, I had an extra pair, and she was set to go.
Nick reads the last bio, and an Army FNG takes it to be placed at the wall.
Say their name, they will never be forgotten. We need to bring everyone home.
Jenny announces the challenges. This year the staging crew came in first. Sorry for forgot who won the military challenge. Fun to have bragging rights till next year. Bottom line is that Rainelle received a nice sum of money for the kids. WAY TO GO guys.
Last year, there was an FNG that wrote a poem to summarize the run for him. Ed reminded me of it so I thought I would share it again. I am glad he read it because I am not sure I would have gotten thru it.
We were just informed that this is Doug's last year driving a chase vehicle. As these guys retire we need to get the younger generation to step up. We have seen some of this but need to really get the younger ones engaged. We cannot let the Run stop until everyone is home.
KC is the person in my post a few days ago that lost everything from the tornado: cows , barn, bike shop and damage to his house. He wanted to thank everyone who asked what they could do. This is what family does. He will be getting in touch once he returns home. Thanks to all.
Tom sets up every leg of the missing man rain or shine. This one is for the Willing Warrior Retreat Center. Lt Anthony Shinen was MIA in 1972 and recovered in 1996. This is amazing.
We will not stop until all are brought home.
I am pretty bummed with the rain. This part of the road leaving Lewisburg is beautiful. Big windy roads and mountains full of trees. I got a few pics.
Yeah!!!! after the first gas stop the sun came out. We were all a bit soaked but dried quickly. Making up for lost time on getting pics of our beautiful country.
I love the colors!!
...........and no rain.
Gas stop at Toms Brook and everyone is delayering.
Our road guards back at work.
Lunch stop is in Marshall. We are met with the students at Marshall elementary school 8th graders.
The signature binder we are doing for Joseph Ross needs to be returned to Larry today so we can get it back to Kentucky. I saw all the kids the greeted us and explained what the book was all about. They jumped at the chance to be a part of it. This is our future, let's embrace them and continue to show them the way. Thanks a lot, kids.
There was a pinning ceremony for those that served 1955-1975. The lady here lost her father when she was young. She and a foundation (sorry do not have the name) are also working to find all and bring them home. Her comment was " these hugs feel like all the hugs I would have gotten from my dad".
Her father was one that was found. His name will now have a diamond by it instead of a cross on the Vietnam Wall in Arlington.
While at lunch, Dick (in above pic) told me of a very interesting story. He is part of the Outreach team. This is the team that visits gold star families. I thought I would share.
The Outreach Platoon (all 5 of us) were honored to make a presentation to John (J T ) Taylor, at his motorcycle repair shop in the center of Rainelle. He is a Vietnam Veteran and a Gold Star father, with two remaining sons who were both injured during their tours of duty.
His oldest son, Jeff, was part of Seal Team 10 and was killed on 6.28.2005 while trying to rescue a captured US soldier. His picture, along with the other Rainelle KIA’s, is posted in the Veterans Memorial Garden on Main Street between 4th and 5th Streets. Jarrod Gerbitz’s mother presented J T with a Gold Star quilt and also with a personal quilt for being a Veteran. Two more quilts will soon be delivered to his two remaining sons.
After the ceremony, I met with Lenny and Emma Michelinie - she arranges most of the activities in Rainelle and instead of putting flowers on the float for Memorial Day, she had her husband drive us up the Simms Mountain Gold Star Mothers Apple Orchard - only a :15 drive from the school; motorcycles could make it up the paved/gravel road easily. This land was donated by a local Patriot and the state provided equipment to improve upon the access. There are about 100 apple trees planted in memory of the West Virginia servicemen and women who did not make it home. The trees are arranged so that each row ripens at a certain time in sequence with the others. The trees were only planted two years ago and are surrounded with chicken wire to keep the deer from eating the leaves. Each tree also has a copy of each Warrior’s dog tag affixed to it. It is a very somber, moving experience.
Here is a pic of the FNGs. Pretty big. I have heard lots of them plan to come back next. GREAT!!!

Yeah!! police escort AND the HOV lane. Thanks guys this was the smoothest landing in DC ever!!
What a reception!! The other 2 routes came in earlier today. Several stayed to cheer us on as we got in. What a great family spirit. 4 Routes 1 missions.

Gomez is ready to share the beer.
Most of the platoons take that final group shot before heading out. Here are our road guards. Thanks, guys, for keeping the bubble around us across this wonderful country of ours.
Nick put out a memo for a contest on the best Hawaiian shirt. I think I missed that one and so did most of us. Here are the 2 that dressed so they both won. hahaha
Gil and Jeannie are Audrey's parents. They have successfully given Audrey her last RFTW ride. This was a hard ride for them and all that knew Audrey. She was not a veteran but truly embraced the mission.
Rest in Peace Audrey!!
After every morning meeting, Nick would Concluded with:
Why do we ride? FOR THOSE WHO CAN"T
How many routes do we have? 4
How many missions do we have? 1
BUT the mission is not complete until we get to the Wall tomorrow.
Temps: 60-74
Route: I-64 E, I-81N, I-66E
Quote for the day:
A veteran is someone who at one point in their life wrote a bank check
made payable to their country for an amount up to, and including their life.

Here is a flag on the back of a helmet. It reminds me that I am able to ride on this mission because I am free and those that serve have preserved it for me.
REMEMBER: Please thank our men and women in the service as well as our police and firemen. A simple hand shake goes a long way and it only takes a minute.
Last post will be tomorrow.
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