May 13, 2024 - In Ontario
Yeah!! It was a sleep in day. Sort of. We were all up early anyway, but it still felt good to not have to rush around to get ready to leave. It was kind of a laid-back day with only two meetings.
First order of business was to register. As we were in line, Patty, the state coordinator for New Mexico, had a table of veteran's bios from NM.
She asked that we carry one and wear a yellow ribbon so the people on the bridges and on the side of the road know we are carrying the bios from NM. More ways of awareness to keep our veterans in our thoughts and prayers and supporting them.
She asked that we carry a bio of them to the wall. She wanted to make sure they are not forgotten. Ron and I pick a father and son bio. The son is still alive today.Everyone has the opportunity to carry a bio to the wall. Most are those on the Vietnam Wall, but we are seeing more and more expanding to other vets.
Larry picked up one: SSGT Keith "Matt" Maupin. He was killed in 2004. He was from the Cincinnati area which is where we are from. We will carry him to the Middle Eastern Conflict Wall since his name will be there. Please read this. It is heart breaking.
The gentleman in the wheelchair is "big Mike". He will be riding on the Southern Route on a trike.
He is one of our last few Vietnam vets still riding.
You will hear the term FNG (Find New Guy/Gal). These are first time riders on the Run. Throughout the next 10 days, they get lots of hugs. They start here at registration.
After this we are ready to head to lunch. We see "Gump", aka Joe Hudson.
We met Joe several years ago. He was a POW.
U.S. Army Spc. Joseph Hudson, one of the soldiers captured in An-Nasiriyah, Iraq on March 23, 2003
Hudson was one of the 33 U.S. soldiers in an 18-vehicle convoy caught in a 60- to 90-minute attack on the 507th Maintenance Company at Nasiriyah during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Hudson, who was one of seven U.S. soldiers -- including five from the 507th -- captured by Iraqi forces. After 22 days and at least seven moves from several prisons, a city jail, private homes and a storage facility, help had finally arrived.
He is part of the Outreach team on the southern route.
The Elf Lodge has graciously set up lunches and dinner over the few days we are here in Ontario. Great group of people!!! And really good food. Thanks to all.
We met up with Stephen. He just got a new bike and is also one of our veterans. His comment to me was that he was not in any conflict. My comment to him was that he gave his time and life for this country. There are many that serve in other capacities and are just as important as anyone else. He served 1995-2005 (enlisted) and 2007-2013 (officer). He was Army Reserves/Active Duty. He served at Ft. Sill, Ft. Jackson, Jordan as field artillery, drill sergeant, and company XO. Thanks, Stephen, for your service!!!
I love his plates. He is very proud to have served.
As we left the parking lot, the gentleman on the right was a Vietnam vet and a member of the Elk Lodge. He is giving his time for us. I saw many going up to him thanking them for their service.
Please remember, it only takes a minute or 2 to thank a person for their service. This includes our police and firemen. I will be reminding you several times throughout this journey.
On the Run, we will be raising many for the kids at Rainelle. There will be 50/50, auction items, platoon challenges..... A lady knitted this BEAUTIFUL blanket and donated to the Run as one of these items. Tickets will be sold all the way across this beautiful country and will be drawn in Rainelle. And yes, I already bought mine. I may have to buy a few more as we go. LOL. Think of the hours and the planning to do something like this. Unbelievable!!!
One thing that was offered this year, from Bernadette and Lance, was a "Rider Skills Practice" course. It is to help sharpen your driving skills. Ron and Larry participated in it. It was pretty cool to watch.
Here is the course: around cones, U turns, quick stops....
Thanks Lance and Bernadette!!!
The meeting we went to was to get everyone on the same page for the GMRS radios. Remember that was one of the many electronic things we were testing while on the bike. As you can see from the pic, lots of people will be using them. Mostly to listen this year. In years past, they would use CBs and send messages to the back. And most of the time the guys in the back platoons never got it. So this year, Nick should be able to say something, and EVERYONE should get the message. Most everyone is on board and already had the software downloaded to their phones.

Nick had a short meeting after that, and the day was over. Oh, I think I forgot to tell you. Nick is the Route Coordinator. He is in charge of organizing everyone and getting all to the Vietnam Wall in DC safely. Huge responsibility and lots of volunteers to help. There will be a description in a day or 2 of all the positions.
When you register, there are several stickers, etc. you need to put on your bike.
- 1 = the platoon you are in. This helps the staging team know where to send you after gas stops so all are back in the right place.
- 514 and 515 = denotes there are 2 people on the bike. The number correspond to name of the riders.
- Patch above the numbers = states we have pre-paid for fuel.
- Green Ribbon = This denotes we are a rider for the Run. We have at times had people try and jump into the pack and ride. This ribbon allows the road guards to see all those that are supposed to be there.
If you are one of the volunteers, you will get these also. Just so happens, Larry is an Assistant Platoon Leader and I am the Situation Report Writer.
James "Gunny" Gregory was one of the founding fathers that started this in 1989. Here is a pic of Gunny and his wife "Patio". They have done so much for our veterans across this country and those active duty men and women. I love to sit and listen to him. He has so many stories.
We were able to see a lot of people we have been doing this with for many years. It is truly a family and one of the biggest family reunions I love to be a part of.
Tomorrow is our last day of preparations. This may be the last day before we start, but people have been working since the end of last year's run for this year. LOTS of meetings all year long.
Keep the prayer coming. Your mission, if you decide to accept it: Prayers every day for all 4 routes and for safe journey for return home travels. I hope you accept this challenge.
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