Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May 28, 2024 - Sandbox - Lafayette, IN to Marseilles, IL

 May 28, 2024 - Sandbox - Lafayette, IN to Marseilles, IL

Today is the last day to ride with RFTW for this year.  

We start the day with Hebrew prayer from Boots.  It ends with "Shalom" meaning peace.  This is what we want for all the world

Catfish gives us update on the roads for today. All backroads. Long and flat, keep alert. 

Gump then gets up.  He was a POW and said if it was not for RFTW, he would not be who he is today.  He told us a little about his capture, March 23, 2003 Iraqi Freedom.  11 killed, 8 POW, 1executed, 1 hour later Marines showed up and 18 killed.  35 in all killed for our country.  He then started reciting the name. Shouting them One by one.....of those from his company.   It was very quiet, even the wind stopped blowing and the flags stopped waving. He is riding for them.

 Gunny got up and talked about the patriots in Vietnam.  Told about 59 civilian women killed.  Many civilians captured and we do not know how many because there is no record of them.  Like the reporter, photographers...  WE RIDE FOR THEM also!!
As we complete the meeting, Blue yells:

We head to Indiana Veterans home.  What a great reception.

Several of the residents came out to visit with us.

This gentleman insisted on walking to meet everyone.  

 A little fun.  Stephen wanted a hat flipped up like Gomez.

This is Polar Bear.  He gave me a ride all day today. Jenny bike was not feeling so good today. 
 As we leave, I walk over to this tank to get a picture.  There was a person there that is the grounds keeper.  He told me a story.  He had his grandson walking around with him and showing him the grounds.  The little boy stopped and waved to the tank.  The man asked why he wave.  He said he waved to the three soldier sitting on the top.
Every route has a missing man for every leg.

Here is how it looks on the road.

Next stop is lunch at Legion Park in Watseka, IL. 
Great reception for residents and team members.

Jenny getting a little help from her family.  

We have and great weather and this is a beautiful place for a picnic.

I guess some found a spot for short nap.  LOL
 It takes so many volunteers to get everyone to the destination, Heidi had awards to present.

Back on the road and look at this.  Well..... hopefully it stays on our left.
NOPE... we made turn and headed right into it.

God had a great sense of humor.  I guess he wanted to make sure our bikes were clean at the Wall.
10 minutes later we were all clear.

Back on the road to Marseilles for the Middle East Conflicts Wall.  Our final destination.
Great reception.  Thanks guys.

We carried Matt Maupin cross country.  He lived about 20 minutes for us.

Please read this.  No mother, wife, sister, dad,...should ever have to bury a son that died this way.
He severed so we had freedom.

Coins here have a meaning:
  1. Penny: If you notice a penny on a headstone, it means that someone visited the grave. It’s an act of gratitude for the person’s service. Anyone—whether a family member, friend, or fellow service person—can leave a penny as a token of respect.

  2. Nickel:

    A nickel left on a gravestone indicates that the visitor trained at boot camp with the deceased veteran.

  3. Dime:

    When you see a dime on a headstone, it signifies that the visitor served alongside the deceased military member.

  4. Quarter:

    A quarter has a particularly heavy association. If you notice a quarter, it means that a previous visitor was present when the soldier passed away.

This is a very sacride place.  If you have a chance to see it, please do

Heidi declares the Missions Complete and places the plaque.

Many stand and they remember their comrades as the Kim plays her bagpipes. All remain silent.

Many traveled 1000's of miles, have been away from family for weeks, went on one of the prior routes and now stand with the new and old family members completing our mission.



So do not disappoint them.

As we headed to Chicago to drop off Courtney, there were some beautiful cloud formations.  God’s way of showing us he is always there for us. (and no rain!!)  Thanks for a beautiful evening.

Total about 6700 miles

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